
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blueberry-Pomegranate Gummies (AIP, Paleo)

Who doesn't love a yummy, simple gummy recipe? As most recipes go in my kitchen, it was created when I grabbed a few things that were already in the kitchen and played with a combo that sounded good to me. These gummy treats only use three ingredients and no additional sweeteners, like honey or maple syrup.

A little fact about me, I have a growing collection of gummy molds. Earlier this year, my sister went to Australia and brought me back a mold that had a koala, kangaroo, and map of the country. It was basically the most awesome thing ever, and goes so well with the cat and dog molds I already had. You can basically find mold for anything you want, but the good news is, you can make this even if you don't have a mold.

Pomegranate-Blueberry Gummies



  1. Add the blueberries and pomegranate juice to a small sauce pan over medium-low heat and set timer for 5 minutes.
  2. When time is up, use immersion blender to blend up blueberries with pomegranate juice.
  3. Take pan off heat and slowly whisk gelatin in ½ tablespoon at a time. 
  4. Pour mix immediately into molds or in a parchment paper lined baking dish.
  5. Place in fridge for at least an hour or until it gels. 
  6. Pop out of molds or cut into squares if using a baking dish.
  7. Enjoy! 
Keeps in fridge for about a week, if they last that long

Shared on AIP Recipe Roundtable
Featured on Autoimmune Paleo Recipe Round-Up June '15

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. I want to taste it. Well, if you're curious about CBD. You can also try.
