: Don't Eat the Spatula: About Me - Don't Eat The Spatula


About Me

Spatulas, Fur Children, and One Crazy Cat Lady

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and check my blog. I will tell you a little more about myself and the reason for my blog, but I am sure there is a burning question on your mind. 

Dude, What's Up With the Spatula??

This large, adorable, and incredible boisterous cat loves food. I mean LOVES food. One evening while my husband and I were at our weekly bowling league (yes, bowling ROCKS!), Owen, helped himself to a little snack...

Unfortunately, two week later, another spatula bit the dust, this time it was a red one. One over-priced emergency vet visit, a sleepless night and cleaning up after a sick cat, we decided to throw away all our other spatulas. Needless to say, spatulas are a sore subject in our household.

The Other Child

Our other fur baby, Abby, loves to keep me company while cook. Her obsession is chicken. It’s like the she has a sixth sense when are cooking or eating it. She appears at your feet within a nanosecond. She is quiet and sneaky and will put her face in front of your fork and sneak your food before you realize it.

Our New Baby

We recently got a third cat, because two is simply not enough. This is precious little Ava, though she won’t be little for too long. She is a Maine Coon mix and has the attitude to come with it. I thought the other two loved food until I met her. Our neighbor calls her “Ms. Boss Lady,” because she means business and keeps you on your toes. Ave tends to appear in a lot of pictures because it is almost impossible to keep her away.

Who Is This Crazy Cat Lady?

I love to cook, but more importantly, I love trying to take old favorites and make them healthy. However, I spent most of my life struggling with weight. Food had always been a tough subject for me. Going from diet to diet, I always thought eating health was either too hard or too boring. On top of all this, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in 2006.

I made a decision to, in the famous words of almost all Biggest Loser Contestants, “Put me first.” After years of claiming to take care of myself, I finally actually did something about me. I woke up at 4:45 am and suited up in the an old college t-shirt, and the only pair of sweatpants and sneakers I owned. I then drove my tired behind to a darkened park n’ ride to endure what I assumed was my last hour of life. On the cool Monday morning was the day I met Shawn Chevalier, and those I now call my “HOF Family.” However, as you all many know, it didn’t stop after just that one day, or week, or month, I kept going back for more torture, because I just loved it. I loved the people, the trainers, the laughter, the tears, and the feeling of doing something good for me.

There is no doubt in my mind that had it not been for that day, which almost didn’t happen, I would not be who I am today. The truth is, I signed up for my first Hardbody Outdoor Fitness experience through a Groupon, but just like my old self, I put off sign up until it had actually expired. Though of course, Shawn being the trainer I know and love today, would not let that be my excuse and allowed me to join class that day anyway.

Once I started I realized, instead of a diet such as weight watchers or a crazy programs, I just wanted to eat right. The more I worked out, the more I wanted to put good, natural food in my body.  It was through this new lifestyle I first discovered the Paleo Diet. Actually, I hate that word diet, because Paleo is not a diet, it is a lifestyle as well. As I began to learn more about food and myself I decided to document my journey with my blog.

Fast forward to summer 2014, when I first started reading about the Autoimmune Protocol Diet on Instagram from Martine Partidge of Eat Heal Thrive. I was intrigued immediately. Have been strictly paleo for a little over a year at the point, and really seeing no change in symptoms.

It was then that I discovered The Autoimmune Protocol form The Paleo Mom. In her book, The Paleo Approach, Dr Sarah Ballantyne, of The Paleo Mom, covers what is the autoimmune protocol, the whys behind the restrictions, and more importantly how to start and be successful. Additionally, She has shared a few things from the book for free online, included my favorite, The Paleo Approach Quick-Start Guide to Reintroducing foods.

From My Kitchen to Yours

My hope is to share recipes and tricks to anyone following the Paleo lifestyle, those currently on the Autoimmune Protocol, or those who just want to eat whole foods.  Of course my fur babies will make appearances throughout. It is impossible to cook a meal without one cat trying to eat the food out of the frying pan, while the other distracts me by running off with a bag of bacon ends.

Feel free to leave comments and make suggestions. I am always learning and striving to heal through providing my body with all the right things to thrive in life.

Cheers everyone and happy, healthy eating!


  1. Congrats to you for making, and sticking with, your commitment! You go, girl!

  2. Just a quick note..I see you are PCOS ... I eat a Ketogenic lifestyle ..it has been the ONLY way for me to loose the weight.. I tried every DIET known to man..and even had Lapband surgery in 2009.. Never hit my weightloss goal until Keto..I'm 16 lbs from my goal..I will never look back.. May 2019 will be 2 years for me .. Thank you for your blog..My daughter is AIP and I have enjoyed looking around your site :)
